The Forest Landscape Plan Process
The Forest Landscape Planning process is designed to collaboratively develop, and implement, a strategic Forest Landscape Plan (FLP) for the Quesnel Timber Supply Area. The envisioned Plan will address provincial and First Nations' objectives, local values, and sustainability priorities.
The planning process is intended to:
- Describe the current state of forests.
- Select a desired future forest based on shared forest management priorities.
- Set the direction that forest companies and government must follow during forestry operations.
Forest Landscape Plan Objectives:
- Seek the collaboration and support of First Nations, resource managers, land users, tenure holders, academia, and the public
- Create a Forest Landscape Plan that includes measurable outcomes to achieves:
- Balancing a range or resource values (i.e., soils, visual quality, timber, forage and associated plant communities, water, fish, wildlife, biodiversity, recreation resources, resource features, and cultural heritage resources)
- First Nations' interests and values
- Local communities’ values
- Protection and conservation of the environment
- Manage for a resilient landscape in a changing climate
- Provide clear direction, and outcomes, to forest companies and the province by identifying priorities and strategies to achieve these. For licensees this will include clarity around their forestry operations. For the province, this will include clarity around land investments to help address emerging changes and influences on the landbase.
Goal of Public Engagement
One of the key elements in this planning process is to ensure that public engagement happens along every step of the way. To that end, we are looking for input on some key questions to help increase our understanding of local concerns. Suggestions for improvements that can be made are also welcome. We have created a summary of the current conditions within the planning area to help with this process.
After reading the condensed Summary of Current Forest Management, please take the time to answer the questionnaire in order to tell us:
- What you value about the forest ecosystem in the area;
- If current forest management is working;
- If there are areas for improvement with forest management;
- The direction you would like to see forest management take in the future
Please click "Next" below to begin.
In person sessions
Members of the public are invited to review and comment on The Quesnel Timber Supply Area (TSA) Forest Landscape Plan (FLP) planning process at an upcoming information session to learn more about the FLP and provide input for the planning process.
The information sessions included a presentation from the FLP committee, followed by a question-and-answer period where the public can provide comments.
Sessions took place from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on:
- May 24th at the Nazko Valley Community Centre, 9560B Nazko Road, Nazko, BC, V2J 3H9
- June 7th at the Quesnel & District Senior's Society, 461 Carson Avenue, Quesnel, BC, V2J 2B6
- June 8th at the Wells Community Hall, 4269 Sanders Avenue, Wells, BC, V0K 2R0
Please note: This online feedback form supports all newer comparable browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge, etc. with activated JavaScript. Your browser settings must have cookies enabled for the questionnaire to run properly and inactivity on the questionnaire for longer than one hour will result in the questionnaire timing out.
Collection Notice: Your personal information will be collected for the purposes of informing the Quesnel Forest Landscape Plan. If you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, please contact: Director, Citizen Engagement, This information is being collected by the Ministry of Citizens' Services on behalf of the Ministry of Ministry of Forests under the authority of section 26(c) and 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIPPA”).